ABP Approved by ComboMark

ABP Announces Stark State College of Technology Partnership Program
ABP has partnered with Stark State College of North Canton, Ohio to serve local businesses and create careers in sales, accounting and bookkeeping, and tax positions. Stark State has accounting and bookkeeping degrees you can obtain through their educational system and we will help you create a career in the field you want with ABP.
Accounting & Bookkeeping Professionals, LLC (ABP) has a new partnership with State State College of Technology in North Canton, Ohio for interns pursuing a career in accounting and bookkeeping. ABP’s intent is to ensure career opportunity for young professionals to immediately be hired into the work force upon graduation. Patricia Adams- Director of (ABP) says “Our understanding of the economic climate for college graduates in 2012 and beyond provides the need for job placement opportunities nationwide.” ABP has an international agenda in the near future and in 2012 will focus on nationwide employment and providing excellent services of accounting & bookkeeping, payroll, and tax services to business owners wanting to save money on operations.
Angela Trammell- President and CEO says:
“If we can assist in the redevelopment of our local communities from the inside out, we can help sustain growth not only here in Northeast Ohio, but throughout North America.”